12月2日 (星期六) 8:00PM 大多倫多中華文化中心 何伯釗劇院
December 2nd (Saturday) 8:00PM Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto
Placeholder Group Shot — to be replaced by actual image
Yolanda Chen
Jennifer Choi
Athena Lai
Margaret Yan
Tina Tao
Sophia Zheng
Arya Zhang
Irene Li


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2023多倫多華裔小姐競選總決賽圓滿舉行 多元宇宙為題 佳麗穿梭不同空間 7號 張詩曼亮眼表現成雙料冠軍

由新時代電視主辦,城市電視、加拿大中文電台及娛樂生活雜誌協辦之《2023多倫多華裔小姐競選》總決賽,12月2日於大多倫多中華文化中心圓滿舉行。本年度多倫多華裔小姐冠軍殊榮,由7號 張詩曼以亮眼表現摘下桂冠,兼獲得「Kingscross Hyundai最上鏡小姐獎」,成為雙料冠軍;2號蔡卓穎一舉奪得亞軍、「加拿大航空公司友誼小姐獎」及「Time Art 鉴定、拍卖行表演藝術獎」,成為三料亞軍;季軍則成為1號陳奕霖囊中物;8號李采薇則獲得「美源髮采亮麗秀髮奬」。冠軍張詩曼按照傳統,由上屆冠軍徐熙儀小姐為她加冕,並繞場一周,接受觀眾的祝賀。

總決賽大會主題為「多重宇宙」,8位佳麗帶觀眾穿梭於不同宇宙星體,包括環保宇宙、原始宇宙等,帶來不同驚喜,並透過才藝表演、泳裝答問及時裝秀三個環節爭妍鬥麗,角逐多倫多華裔小姐冠軍殊榮。專業評審團隊包括:著名電視電台主持 潘宗明先生、多倫多大學醫學院教授及士嘉堡健康網絡眼科主管兼首席眼科醫生 盧英醫生、2002 國際華裔小姐亞軍及 2001 多倫多華裔小姐冠軍 白穎茵小姐,以及資深攝影師 劉信行先生。大會核數師為 任志偉先生特許會計師。大會司儀陣容有著名主持人蕭嘉俊和章志文;會場司儀則由著名主持梅志輝及黃璦瑤擔任,四位主持經驗豐富,合力打造精彩一夜。

大會邀請由香港遠赴而來,首次擔任特別表演嘉賓的TVB藝人羅子溢,以及新晉音樂人羽田,擔任特別表演嘉賓。羽田苦練廣東話獻唱《今生今世》以及由他所創作的《黑夜一束光》,又與觀眾分享創作時的靈感來源及心得;羅子溢則為觀眾帶來《有心人》、《沒名字的歌無名字的你》以及《聽風的歌》。其中,在獻唱《沒名字的歌 無名字的你》時,8位佳麗出場伴舞,在樂聲與燈光襯托下,更見唯美,令表演錦上添花。

感謝各贊助商戶及觀眾鼎力支持《2023多倫多華裔小姐競選》,為回饋觀眾,現場設有5個抽獎遊戲環節,中獎的觀眾滿載而歸,大獎更有由加拿大航空公司 Air Canada 贊助全球任選目的地經濟客位機票一張。新時代電視1台將在12月10日東岸時間晚上9時,播放《2023多倫多華裔小姐競選》總決賽精彩過程。

Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2023 Successfully Held #7 Arya Zhang Shines as Dual Crown Winner

The "Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2023," organized by Fairchild TV, co-organized by Talentvision TV, Fairchild Radio, and PLEM Magazine, successfully took place at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto on Dec 2.

The winner of this year is #7 Arya Zhang, who delivered an outstanding performance and also received the "Kingscross Hyundai Miss Photogenic Award." The first runner-up, #2 Jennifer Choi, not only secured the second position but also won the "Air Canada Miss Congeniality Award" and the "Time Art Auction Best Performing Arts Award," making her a triple awardee. The third place went to #1 Yolanda Chen, while #8 Irene Li, received the "Bigen Silky Hair Award." The champion, Arya, was crowned by last year's winner, Miss Nicole Xu, and paraded around, receiving congratulations from the audience.

The theme of the finale was "Multiple Universes," where the contestants took the audience on a journey through different universes, providing various surprises. The competition features talent performances, swimsuit Q&A, and a fashion show. The professional judging panel included renowned TV & radio host, Mr. Chung Ming Poon, Professor at the University of Toronto Medical School & Scarborough Health Network, head of ophthalmology and chief ophthalmologist, Dr. Ying Lu, famous photographer, Mr. Franklin Lau, and 1st runner-Up, Miss Chinese International Pageant 2002 & Champion, Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2001, Ms. Christie Bartram. The event's auditor was Mr.Alexis Yam, CA. The hosting lineup featured Mr. Leo Shiu, Mr. Albert Cheung, Mr. Matthew Mui and Ms. Oi-Yiu Wong, creating an exciting night together.

The event featured special performances by TVB artiste Him Law, who travelled from Hong Kong for the first time as a special guest, and singer-songwriter Laird Zhou. Laird showcased his dedication to Cantonese by singing " This Life This Time" and his self-composed piece." Him presented three Cantonese songs, the eight contestants appeared as dancers, creating a stunning and elegant presentation.

Appreciation was expressed to sponsors and the audience for their strong support of the "Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2023." To give back to the audience, five lucky draw segments were held during intermission, and the winners left with prizes, including a grand prize of an economy-class airline ticket sponsored by Air Canada, valid for any destination worldwide.

Fairchild TV Channel 1 will broadcast the highlights of the " Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2023." grand finale on Dec 10 at 9pm EST.


No other can truly share with you their experiences and feelings more intact than the past winners! Let us see what they are going to tell you!

2022 多倫多華裔小姐冠軍

徐熙儀 Nicole Xu


2022 Miss Chinese Toronto Champion

Nicole Xu

Being the champion of the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2022 is an honor and a significant milestone in my life. Participating in this pageant has brought me a whole new experience, broadened my horizons, and allowed me to make many new friends. I have gained so much from it. Most importantly, this pageant has made me become more confident, enriched my life, and given my life a deeper meaning. I truly enjoyed every single facet of the journey and still often reminisce about the little moments. Recruitment for the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2023 has already begun. I encourage those who possess both beauty and intelligence, do not miss this opportunity!

2022 多倫多華裔小姐亞軍及最上鏡小姐

沈揚 Yvonne Shen

參選華裔小姐是我畢生難忘的美事,獲得兩個奬項令我喜出望外。透過參選多倫多華裔小姐,有機會認識來自不同領域的女生,跟她們一起接受不同類型的訓練如 跳舞、拍攝、錄影……那種歡愉投入的氛圍,令我十分陶醉。透過這些經歷,讓我快速成長,對以往從未接觸過的事物更了解,並且可以將所見所學,帶回自己發展的時裝品牌領域上,希望妳也會跟我一樣,有著相同的收穫。今年華裔小姐將於8月30日截止報名,快來參加吧!

2022 Miss Chinese Toronto First Runner-Up & Miss Photogenic

Yvonne Shen

Participating in the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant is an unforgettable experience in my life, and winning two awards was beyond my expectations! I had the opportunity to meet girls from different fields and undergo various types of training – choreography, modeling, filming, and much more. It was absolutely an exhilarating experience being part of this large-scale production. I grew rapidly and was able to apply what I learned from there to my developing career in the fashion industry. I hope you will have the same rewarding experience as I did. Registration for this year's Miss Chinese Pageant ends on August 30th. Remember, this is an opportunity that may change the course of your life!

2022 多倫多華裔小姐季軍及亮麗秀髮獎得主

羅笑笑 Addy Luo


2022 Miss Chinese Toronto Second Runner-Up & Winner of Silky Hair Award

Addy Luo

Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant sets me on the path toward my dreams. If I had not made the decision to participate in this Pageant that I have always longed for since childhood, I would not have received recognition and commend from the audience and high-caliber judges. Throughout the journey in the Pageant, I have met like-minded friends, broadened my horizons, and had the opportunity to be involved in the production of such large-scale television programs. I aspire to pursue a career in the media industry, and these unique experiences are truly invaluable. I have materialized my dreams, how about you? The closing date for Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant is on August 30th.   I hope your dreams come true like mine!

2021 多倫多華裔小姐季軍 、《熒幕八爪娛》主持  

陳玥彤 Athena Chen

兩年前, 我贏得多倫多華裔小姐季軍,但當天的每一個畫面仍歷歷在目。當年我在爸爸全力支持和提名下報名參加華裔小姐;當時自己也不想錯失這個接受挑戰的機會,便決定在大學最後一年報名參賽。在整個過程中,我學會美容化粧、catwalk和舞蹈訓練、宣傳照片和認識視頻拍攝等,這些都對有志在模特兒行業發展的我,大有幫助。更感謝新時代電視給我機會在《熒幕八爪娛》當主持人,這一切都從參選華裔小姐開始。妳也可以做得到的!

2021 Miss Chinese Toronto Second Runner-Up, Host of “What’s On”

Athena Chen

Winning the title of the 2nd runner-up in the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant happened two years ago, but every moment of that day is still vivid in my memory. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to challenge myself, so I made up my mind to participate in my final year of university with my father’s full support and nomination. Throughout the entire process, I learned a lot, including beauty and makeup techniques, catwalk and dance training, promotional photoshoots, and video production. All of these have been immensely helpful for my aspirations to pursue a career in the modeling industry. I am also grateful to Fairchild TV for giving me the opportunity to become one of the hosts in the program “What’sOn” . All of this is thanks to my decision to participate in the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant. You can do it too!

2019 多倫多華裔小姐亞軍兼最上鏡小姐 、《城市串吧》主持

田雪純 Anna Tian

當初, 父母並不支持我參選華裔小姐,但參選華裔小姐是我從小的夢想,為了夢想及成就自已想做的事情,我行動了,這不叫自己日後後悔,認定目標勇往直前。我在參選過程中的專注表現和毅力,感動了我父母,當看見我奪得兩大獎項時,他們為我感到驕傲。參選華裔小姐,除了認識很多朋友外,更提升了我的應變能力,讓我在《城市串吧》擔任主持一職時,得心應手。請妳火速行動,不要叫自己後悔啊!

2019 Miss Chinese Toronto Second Runner-Up & Miss Photogenic, Host of “Urban Life”

Anna Tian

In the beginning, my parents did not support me enrolling in the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant. It had always been my dream to be part of this magnificent event. And they knew I will persevere once I set on my goals. My parents started cheering for me when they know I was so persistent. They even became proud of me after I won two awards! Participating in the Pageant not only allowed me to make many friends but also significantly sharpened my adaptability. Especially after taking on the role of becoming one of the hosts for "Urban Life". I gained so much and more than I ever anticipated. I urge you to act now before it is too late!