年齡: 22
出生地點: 中國
身高: 5'5"
學歷: 大學
職業: 學生
語言: 英語、國語
星座: 摩羯座
興趣: 畫畫、辯論、長笛、唱歌、烹飪、救生員
志願/目標: 持續自我提升,弘揚中華文化,倡導性別平等
Age: 22
Place of Birth: China
Height: 5'5”
Education: University
Occupation: Student
Languages Spoken: English, Mandarin
Horoscope: Capricorn
Hobbies: Visual arts, debate, music, cooking, lifeguarding
Ambition/ Goal: Continuously self-improve, promote Chinese culture, advocate for gender equality
1. 你的座右銘是?
「人生是曠野,而不是軌道。」 人生的方向充滿未知,我們不需要按照世俗的標準去生活。相對於馬不停蹄地趕路,我們更需要花時間停下來,觀察我們內心的需求。
1. What is your motto?
"Life is wild, not a track." Life's path is full of unknowns, and we don't need to conform to societal norms. Instead of constantly rushing forward, it's important to pause and tune into our inner needs.
2. 最喜歡的造型?/ 平日喜歡哪種穿衣風格?
2. What are your favourite style/ outfit/ look?
I love versatile fashion, but my personal favorite is vintage and elegant fashion, such as the classic Hong Kong style and French-inspired looks from old movies. I prefer simple cuts and soft color combinations that are timelessly chic.
3. 對你而言,華裔小姐的定義是?
3. What is your definition of the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant?
The definition of MCTP to me is the confidence, talent, beauty, and cultural heritage of Chinese women.
4. What is the one change that you hope to gain from MCTP?
Develop a better physique and posture, make new friends, and discover new hobbies. Gain more attention, use my influence to promote Chinese culture and support social issues I care about.
5. 你會如何形容自己?
5. How would you describe yourself?
Adventurous, innovative, caring
6. 曾經做過最瘋狂或難忘的事?
我曾去非洲遊玩,看到獅子和大象,以及震撼的自然景象,例如薩拉哈沙漠。 在那次旅行中,我參觀了當地的村莊,並了解當地人的習俗和服裝。然而,當地天氣炎熱,住宿條件非常簡陋,條件惡劣,特別需要注意人身安全。
6. What was the craziest or unforgettable thing you have ever experienced?
I had an incredible journey to Africa, witnessing wild lions, elephants, and breathtaking natural landscapes like the Sahara Desert. During this trip, I visited local villages, gaining insights into their traditions and clothing. The adventure came with its challenges - the intense heat and basic accommodations demanded careful attention to personal safety.
7. 曾收到最感動的禮物是甚麼?
我收到最感人的禮物是我爺爺在去世前親手寫給我的一封信。 他充滿智慧、愛和支持的話一直都是我不斷受啟發的源泉,也時時刻刻提醒着我家庭的重要性。
7. What is the most touching gift you have received?
A handwritten letter from my grandfather before he passed away. His words of wisdom, love, and support are a continuous wellspring of inspiration and a reminder of the importance of family.
8. 對自己最想說的話是?
8. Anything that you would like to tell yourself the most?
Move forward, don't be afraid. The worst outcome of being rejected is the same as not trying at all.
9. 當下最想擁有的3樣東西是?
9. What are the three things that you desire to have for now?
Personal growth, a stronger sense of mission, and the ability to inspire others through my actions and words.
10. 平日生活中最享受的3件事?
10. What are the three things that you enjoy the most in life?
I thoroughly enjoy spending quality time with loved ones, embarking on new adventures to explore different cultures, and participating in philanthropic activities that give back to the community.