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2023 多倫多華裔小姐競選總決賽

由新時代電視主辦,城市電視、加拿大中文電台及娛樂生活雜誌協辦之「2023 多倫多華裔小姐競選」總決賽,將於12月2日(星期六) 晚八時正,假大多倫多中華文化中心隆重舉行。8 位晉身總決賽佳麗現正密鑼緊鼓,積極排練,為即將舉行的總決賽努力備戰。請留意購票詳情,當日更有令人期待的特別表演嘉賓經已拷定! 敬請期待!

Let Your Beauty Shine

Organized by Fairchild Television, and co-organized by Talentvision Television, Fairchild Radio and Popular Lifestyle Entertainment Magazine (PLEM), the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2023 will be held on Saturday Dec 2nd 8pm at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.

Eight finalists for the "Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2023" kick started the once-in-a-lifetime journey. They will put the hard work in this challenging 3-month for a test on the Finals!  Remember to click for updates on the finalists and ticketing details by following the social media platforms and official website.  Special overseas guest performer of this year's Pageant will be unveiled very soon!  Stay tuned as to who will take on the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant stage!