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12月2日 10:30PM 串流直播現場加冕盛況

2023 多倫多華裔小姐競選12月2日總決賽當晚將在10時30分左右於 Facebook 及 Instagram 串流直播現場加冕盛況!只要登上 新時代電視 Facebook 專頁 多倫多華裔小姐 FacebookInstagram 專頁 將能即時見証多倫多華裔小姐各個獎項誕生!

Live Stream at 10:30PM on December 2nd

The crowning ceremony of the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2023 will have a live streaming on Facebook and Instagram at around 10:30pm on December 2nd!

Please visit FairchildTV Facebook page and the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant Facebook or Instagram page, for witnessing various of the Miss Chinese Toronto awards!